Pink Dogwood tree bloom-ometer header.

Smoky Mountains in the Spring


Use the Bloom-ometer to plan the ideal, springtime visit


Springtime is one of the best times to visit the Smoky Mountains. You’ll experience a parade of wildflower blooms, each wave transforming the mountains with brilliant washes of color.

Beginning as early as March, red maples and ephemerals are followed by the showier dogwoods, magnolias and azaleas.

Let us help plan your Smoky Mountains spring visit around the show.

Smoky Mountains spring bloom-ometer graphic mid-full season.


Touted as “one of the prettiest drives in America,” the parkway provides the best views of the highest peaks in the eastern United States.


Currently in Bloom

Apr 19: Dogwoods

April 21: Red Columbine, Fleabane, Dwarf Crested Iris, Heartleaf Foamflower, Doghobble, Fire Pink, Yellow Trillium, Sawtooth Blackberry

Apr 25: Flame Azalea


Recommended Tours*

Foothills Parkway Smoky Mountains Tour


Dogwood tress blooming along the Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN.

Dogwoods blooming along the Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN.


Nearly one mile above sea level, Newfound Gap’s main attraction is its incredible viewpoint. No wonder it’s where U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt chose to stand when dedicating the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.


Currently in Bloom

Mar 20: Carolina Spring Beauty, Cutleaf Toothwort, Liverwort, Yellow Trillium

Mar 28: White Fringed Phacelia, Dutchman's Britches


Recommended Tour*

Newfound Gap Smoky Mountains Tour



Purple catawba rhododendron blooming along road near Clingmans Dome, Newfound Gap in Smokie Mountains.

Mountain laurel blooming along road near Clingmans Dome, Newfound Gap in the Smoky Mountains.


The Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail leads one along a narrow, paved path through chestnut oak, white oak, magnolia, maple and tulip trees take you to a pinnacle overlook with striking views.


Currently in Bloom

Mar 28: White Trillium, Sweet White Violet, Roundleaf Yellow Violet, Bishop’s Cap, Fiddleheads, Roundleaf Liverleaf

Apr 10: Blue Plhox


Recommended Tour*

Roaring Fork Smoky Mountains Tour



Spring wildflowers booming along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail in GSMNP, Tennessee.

Spring wildflowers booming along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail in GSMNP, Tennessee.

*We cannot guarantee that all flowers currently in bloom will be seen on each recommended tour.

Springtime in the Smoky Mountains on Instagram



Blood Root, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Sharp-Lobed Hepatica, Spring Beauty, Trout-Lily and Violets.


Dutchman's Breeches, Fire Pink, Foam Flower, Large-flowered Bellwort, Little Brown Jugs, Purple Phacelia, Squirrel Corn, Trout-Lily, Violets, White Fringed Phacelia, White Trillium, Wild Geranium, Wild Ginger, Wood Anemone and Yellow Trillium.


Yellow Lady's Slippers, Bleeding Heart, Blue Phlox, May Apple, Mountain Laurel and Flame Azaleas.


Catawba Rhododendron (primarily above elevations of 3500 feet), Flame Azaleas at higher elevations, Indian Pink, Mountain Laurel at higher elevations, Mountain Spiderwort, Rattlesnake Hawkweed, Rosebay rhododendron, Speckled Wood Lily, Sundrops, Squawroot, Wood Sorrel, Woodland bluets and Yellow Star Grass.